Concrete College

Learn concrete mixing, application, finishing and testing techniques

Concrete College



Day 1

Will encompass a classroom seminar focusing on the constructability of concrete floors

  1. F-number system, random traffic floors, and defined traffic floors
  2. How to construct the proper base
  3. Mix designs (lower shrinkage and less curl, while optimizing workability and finishability)
  4. Hand tools (how and when)
  5. Bullfloats, checkrods, and bumpcutters
  6. Machine patterns (how they affect your floor)
  7. Trouble-shooting concrete floors


Day 2

Will be hands-on training in the placing and finishing of high tolerance F-number floors

  1. Prep base
  2. Verify mix design (slump, temp, and air)
  3. Expert training in placing and finishing of superflat and high tolerance floors
  4. Proper panning and troweling techniques
  5. Hand tool applications
  6. Testing methods using the F-number system



Upcoming Colleges

Contact us to attend a future Class or to schedule a Class for your Company or Group.


About Company

Structural Services Inc. has 8 offices, and provides specialized concrete consultation, training and forensics for the most advanced concrete applications.

Contact Us

Corporate Headquarters – Texas
1003 Legacy Ranch Road, Suite 100
Waxahachie, TX 75165-1294
FAX: None

Our Locations






New York

South Carolina
